About Us

Useless Dollar is a subscription-based (Non-Profit) website that prioritizes helping animals, shelters and rescues.

The subscriptions will go towards buying supplies such as blankets, toys, treats, food bowls,
collars, leashes, etc. It will also go towards supplying food, paying vet
bills, paying for adoption fees, and promoting adopting.

Working together, WE can make a difference.

  • Approximately 8-12 million companion animals enter animal shelters nationwide every year and approximately 5-9 million are euthanized (60% of dogs and 70% of cats).
  • Less than 2 percent of cats and only 15-20% of dogs are returned to their owners.* Most of these were identified with tags, tattoos or microchips.
  • According to a 2022 Forbes survey, 42 percent of pet owners said a vet bill of $999 or less would cause them to go into debt, and 44 percent said they used their credit card to pay for a vet bill.
  • Only 10% of the animals received by shelters have been spayed or neutered. 75% of owned pets are neutered.
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